Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Palmetto Light Artillery, South Carolina, Field and Staff Officer's.

Captain - Hugh Richardson Garden
1st Lt.'s - William Henry Coit and Samuel McBride Pringle
(The photo on the left is of Samuel McBride Pringle who died as a result of wound's recieved at the Battle of Sharpsburg).
2nd Lt.'s - George E. Coit and William Alexander McQueen
(George E. Coit was killed during the Suffolk Campaign, he was
the brother of William Henry Coit listed above).

Monday, March 8, 2010

C.S.S. Georgia, Confederate Navy, Officer's and Staff.

Commander - William L. Maury
1st Lt's. - Robert T. Chapman and William E. Evans
2nd Lt. - John H. Ingraham
Asst. Surgeon - Thomas J. Wheeden
Paymaster - Richard William Curtis
Gunner - William Dand

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3rd Florida Infantry, Field and Staff Officer's.

Colonel - William S. Dilworth
Lt. Colonel - Lucius A. Church, Elisha Mashburn and Arthur J.T. Wright
Major - John L. Phillips