Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Foreign Born White Population in South, On The Eve of The War Between The States (1860), Broken Down By Nationality.

The foreign born population in the Southern States, in 1860 was broken down as follow's :

1) Ireland / Irish - 36 % they were more or less evenly distributed within different Southern States

2) German States / Germans (Germany was not unified as a Nation, in 1860) - 31 % they were evenly distributed with large concentration's in Texas and Louisiana

3) France / French - 9 % they were concentrated in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama (Gulf Coast)

4) England / English - 7 % they were evenly distributed within the different Southern States

5) Scotland / Scot's - 3 % they were evenly distributed within the different Southern States

6) British America - 1% these were Canadian's and from the British West Indies

7) Spanish / Cuban / Mexican and other Nationalities - 13 % the Hispanic population was concentrated along the Gulf Coast States of Texas (Mexican), Spanish / Cuban (New Orleans, Louisiana, Mobile, Alabama, St. Augustine, Florida). The other non-Hispanic Nationalities were mostly concentrated in Sea Port cities along both the Atlantic and Gulf Coast area's.

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